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BL 12 ENG Knowledge

How to accredit or certify Health Apps: from research to assistance

On Wednesday 2 November at 9am, the TECSAM Network is holding the XII Breakfast&Learn, entitled “how to accredit or certify health Apps: from research to care” where Carme Pratpadua and Bufill from TIC Social Health will talk about the certification process, the roadmap and the main obstacles for the development of health apps. Join us!

13 October 2022
Breakfast and Learn Knowledge

Research with affected people: more impact and funding options

IN VIDEO! Do you want to know the advantages and some tools for first-person research in mental health? In the XI Breakfast & Learn of the TECSAM Network, the researcher Francisco Jose Eiroá has given the keys to carry out participatory or co-produced research between researchers and people affected by mental problems. Did you miss the session or do you want to watch it again? Now available on video!

07 October 2022
Portada Memoria Persones Afectades Knowledge

Mental health challenges identified by affected people

NEW LAUNCH! The TECSAM Network publishes the first Report on Mental Health Challenges Identified by Affected People, with the aim of including and involving affected people in the transfer of knowledge and value in the field of mental health. Download the document!

06 October 2022

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    BL-11-ENG Knowledge

    Tools for research and transfer in mental health in first person

    On Wednesday 5th October at 9:30h, we will celebrate the 11th Breakfast&Learn of the Network, a session addressed to all scientists who want to include the first person in mental health research and transfer. Researcher Francisco Jose Eiroá will share tools and some keys to do it! Register!

    23 September 2022
    BreakfastandLearn Knowledge

    Regulation of software as a medical device: risk class and process steps

    Available in VIDEO! Regulatory roadmap necessary to configure, validate and launch a software as a medical device (MD) in the 10th Breakfast&Learn of the TECSAM Network. Dominique Monferrer, Medical Device Director at Asphalion, showed us the classification of the software according to the risk class and the stages of the regulatory process. Don’t miss it!

    15 September 2022
    Network Activity

    MHID: Where innovation in mental health happens

    Do you want to see first-hand the disruptive solutions developed by the main research groups in Catalonia? Live the experience at the Mental Health Innovation Day of the TECSAM Network on Tuesday, October 25. Showcase, presentations, networking and more at the great mental health innovation event in Barcelona. LIMITED REGISTRATION!

    08 September 2022
    Breakfast and Learn Knowledge

    Regulation of the software as a medical device

    On Wednesday, September 14 at 9 a.m., we return after the summer break with the Network's 10th Breakfast&Learn, where we will have the Asphalion expert, Talyta Carteano, to address the specific regulation that governs the software as a medical device and the criteria to be taken into account to validate and bring these products to market. Sign up!

    26 July 2022