Access private financing: first steps and keys in the 13th B&L
Looking for funding to develop and bring your research project to market? On 14 December we will be holding the 13th Breakfast&Learn, where we will share the steps to follow to access private funding. Conference by Intelectium. Sign up!

Learn from Patricio Hunt, founder and Managing Partner at Intelectium, about the different private financing options available and the step-by-step process to access them.
Looking for funding to develop and bring your research project to the market? On Wednesday 14 December 2022 at 9am we are holding the 13th Breakfast&Learn of the TECSAM Network where you can find out expert information about private funding sources.
In this virtual meeting, we will be joined by Patricio Hunt, founder and Managing Partner at Intelectium, who will outline the roadmap with the steps to follow to access private funds.
Transferring solutions and research results that are at an advanced stage of maturity and development requires the search for funding, which is difficult. For this reason, this session aims to be an open window into the wide range of options to be considered.
Apart from public grants and calls for proposals, which are scarce and not always compatible with the projects, private funding is an opportunity that can make the difference between launching a solution on the market or staying in the drawer.
An essential and useful day to get a general overview of the different existing funding gaps! Sign up! Registration is open here.
The speaker will answer all the attendees’ questions in an open question time at the end of the session. We encourage you to take part in this unique learning space with a professional expert in the field!
About the Breakfast & Learn
The Breakfast&Learn is a formative initiative dedicated to innovation, valorization and transfer with a special focus on mental health and technology, led by the TECSAM network with the collaboration of the Catalan mental health cluster, Cluster Salut Mental Catalunya (CSMC). These open meetings are expected to be a monthly space where knowledge is shared and synergies and networking are generated, where the speakers will be guests with expertise in the sector, including administration, research, the private sector, as well as users and families.
The meetings will focus on three major thematic areas: Tools for bringing society and research closer together (innovation, marketing, contact with the private sector, business models, spin-offs, empowerment of affected and user people…), tools for protecting research results (intellectual protection, patents, other protection models…), and tools for doing research with clinical research (ethical regulatory aspects, medical devices, digital tools, software…).
Access private financing: first steps and keys in the 13th B&L
9 h – Welcome to the Breakfast&Learn by the TECSAM Network.
9:10 h – ONLINE – XIII Breakfast&Learn: “First steps in raising private funds for transfer”, in charge of Patricio Hunt, founder & Managing Partner at the consulting firm Intelectium.
9:45 h – Q&A.
10:00 h – End of the meeting