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VR and job placement

AI/Machine-Deep learning

Mental health promotion & prevention

Use of Virtual Reality to face the stress caused by social relationships and facilitate social interaction of people with mental problems to favor their employability

19 December, 2022

VR and job placement

Use of VR to address the stress caused by social relationships and facilitate social interaction in people with mental health problems through a Virtual Reality platform. This platform allows the training of transversal skills, such as social skills, improving the employability of people with severe mental disorders.

PI: Laia Briones Buixass

COPI: Salvador Simó

Research group: Innovation in Mental Health and Social Wellfare (ISaMBeS)

Institution: Fundació Universitària Balmes (UVIC-UCC) -Althaia –CHV–Institut de Recerca i Innovació en Ciències de la Vida i de la Salut (IRIS-CC)

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