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Mental health promotion & prevention

Social networks and artificial intelligence to prevent suicide

15 November, 2023

Suicide Prevention

STOP (Suicide prevenTion in sOcial Platforms) collects anonymous data from social media profiles that mention suicide, depression or eating disorders and, using artificial intelligence, detects risk patterns and launches advertising campaigns targeted at high-risk profiles. The campaigns offer a 24-hour emotional support hotline. 

A significant number of people with mental disorders do not receive treatment, either due to lack of access to professionals, stigma or discrimination. Access to the internet and the use of social networks is a new channel for detecting mental health problems among users at an early stage. This project uses this channel to reach people at risk. 

To date, several successful campaigns have been launched: calls to the Suicide Prevention Hotline from social media increased by 60% after the launch. 

PI: Ana María Freire Veiga

Research group: Innovation and Sustainability Data Lab (ISDaLab)

Institution: UPF Barcelona School of Managment

Project website here.

Research group website here.

For further information contact us.