168 detected technologies, 1 patent and 1 spin-off: the numbers of the TECSAM Network in 2021
The 2021 figures show the task that the Network has carried out in terms of identifying value within the member research groups, with the will to bring this value closer to the market and society. The ultimate goal: to improve people's quality of life.

The TECSAM network closed in 2021 with interesting numbers: it detected up to 168 potentially transferable technologies within member research groups, of which up to 154 companies and entities have benefited. It has also counted 151 contracts between groups and companies and non-profit entities.
In addition, 189 projects have been detected in the Network, as well as the registration of a patent and a spin-off. This year the TECSAM network has also contributed to the registration of a new patent and the creation of a spin-off potential.
These figures show the task that the Network has done in identifying the value within the member research groups, with the will to bring that value closer to the market and society. The ultimate objective is to improve people’s quality of life.
During 2022, the TECSAM Network also hopes to continue to grow and to adhere to new members. Over the past year, it received a tenth request for entry into the Network, which will be formalised in the next few weeks.
National and International events, networking and communication
The TECSAM network activity in 2021 has also managed to generate up to 67 international contacts of its own. We have been in 14 national and international events which have contributed to the connection with other stakeholders in the field of health and technology. Also, Breakfast&Learn has been started with two free online formations on valorization, transfer and innovation in research, specifically in Mental Health.
In addition, two Networking sessions have been organized with the aim of creating internal synergies and creating contacts between the Network groups. The first focused on the possibility of submitting member groups to the Horizon Europe grants; and the second, on-site, was targeted at the youngest members of the Network involved in the area of innovation and transfer of their group.
The Network has also worked on disseminating group activity and its own through its monthly Newsletter, and corporate web site which integrates a blog explaining all current events, activities and events relevant to members of the Network and research groups in general. A LinkedIn profile has also been opened, which already has nearly 200 followers, where one of the actions to highlight has been the ‘Marató’ promotion campaign. An event this year was dedicated to Mental Health and, therefore, the Network has made a countdown by presenting each member group and its solutions in the field.
Cross-cutting goals: gender and people affected
One of the transverse goals of the TECSAM Network is to achieve gender equity within the Network. With this idea in mind, the Internal Evaluator Organ has created its own indicators to evaluate the evolution of the Network in this regard.
In 2021, of the multiple projects launched by the Network member groups, 30 have gender perspective. As far as Principal Investigators (IPs) or Co-IPs of the TECSAM Network groups are concerned, we have 14 women and 22 men; if we talk about total numbers of researchers and members of the Network, we have 234 women and 176 men.
In order to improve these numbers, from network coordination and with the collaboration of some members of the OIA, a “Gender Ethics Code” will be developed that will serve as a manual for members of the Network as well as for research groups in general.
The involvement and inclusion of people affected by mental health problems is also another of the transversal objectives of the Network. In recent months we have had co-created activities with the eye and experience of affected and user-friendly people, who have participated in 16% of the activities carried out on the Network. In addition, 4% of the projects take their eyes into account and have partnerships or users in their research process.
About 2022: plans and goals
During 2022, the TECSAM Network continued to offer free and open training sessions in innovation, valorization and transfer with the Breakfast&Learn. It will also open a new call for programmes, open to Network groups, dedicated to providing tangible and custom tools to bring their results closer to the market and society. It will also organize two Networkings during the year that will bring together the Network groups with other key ecosystem actors to continue to create together. Several events and an Innovation Competition in Mental Health will also be held. In addition, the TECSAM network will continue with its plans for both internationalisation and communication, which will have a new version of the corporate website this year.