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Co-Creation events

Activate and boost mental health research by promoting the generation of synergies

Connections within the mental health ecosystem

The TECSAM Network organizes dynamic events and thematic networking meetings with the aim of bringing together the entire innovation ecosystem in mental health and promoting synergies and connections between all the actors.

With the mission of building and growing an extensive network around new technologies and mental health, we promote different networking activities such as: round tables discussions, seminars, virtual meetings, conferences, showcases and workshops where we share knowledge related to mental health research, transfer and valorization.

inVideogames Jam 2024: 3 days of creativity and innovation in video games for mental health
During 3 days, 170 young people worked in teams to develop and program prototypes, design levels, create art and graphics, and playtest video games.

To give tools and ideas to the participants, Júlia and Lucía, two people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) from the Prodis Terrassa Foundation shared their experience. The young people followed the entire intervention with great attention and, throughout the day, approached the girls to ask questions and adjust their proposals with sensitivity and precision.

The teams have worked with the support of mentors and professionals such as Andrea Fontán Abeijón, nurse and psychologist specializing in mental health and serious games at the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, and Andrea García López, specialist in mental health from CSMA Ciutat Vella, who have accompanied the participants at each stage of the process and who are members of the Xaxa TECSAM.

On the last day, all the projects were presented and prizes were awarded to the best works in 3 categories and 5 prizes per category: Best Art, Best Design, Best Narrative, Special Mention and Winner. The projects were evaluated by a jury of experts.



videojocs i salut mental
videojocs i salut mental
Workshop on Co-creation of Challenges in Mental Health
Faced with the need to promote the participation of users, the TECSAM Network organized the I Event of co-creation of challenges in mental health (2022) with the exclusive assistance of people affected.

The aim is to deepen and learn about their perspective in the identification, approach and discussion of the major challenges posed by mental health today.

Portada Memoria Persones Afectades
Co-creation workshop on Mental Health and women
With the desire to know the needs and concerns that people affected by mental health problems face on a daily basis, the TECSAM Network organized the II Event on Co-creation of Challenges in Mental Health (2023) with an exclusive participatory workshop for women affected in person.

During this virtual workshop, the participants identified and did
debate about the health and social challenges they face as a woman with mental health problems.

Taller "Salut mental i dona"

More Co-Creation Events

Technology Exploration Day
Round Table ``Technology and Mental Health``
From the idea to the market: spin-offs created from mental health research
IX B&L: Spin-offs created from mental health research
Technology Exploration Day
Co-creation of solutions to mental health challenges
Debate table: collaborative projects between research groups and startups
VIII B&L: Collaborative projects between research and startups
II Networking session
NETWORKING: Meeting point novice researchers and experts
Technology Exploration Day
WORKSHOP: Solutions for mental health challenges
Four Years From Now, Mobile World Congress
4 days of synergies and conferences at Four Years From Now
III Scientific Day of the IRSJD
TECSAM Network at the III Scientific Day of the IRSJD

Next events

Fes-te salut
25 and 26 APR
Fes-te Salut!
Palau Firal de Manresa
The first experiential health fair for young people in Central Catalonia
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MHID Xarxa Salud Mental Patrocinador

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