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NEW: Communication Training

Active Learning Space, exclusive for members

Training offer: Open courses

Fridays in September & October 2024 and February, March and May 2025

Training Fridays

The TECSAM, BlueNetCat and H2Cat networks have joined forces to organize “Fridays of training”, a series of trainings in different topics related to tech transfer and social impact generation.

All members of the research group can participate, including master's and doctoral students.

Delivered by:

UPF Barcelona School of Management, Viromii and Kin Strategy


More information

Completed courses

consultoria en el sector salut i biomèdic Inveniam Group.

Friday 22 and Friday 29 November 2024

Consulting in health and biomedical sector

Session 1 (Friday, November 22): Value proposition
1. Definition of non-covered medical necessity
2. Can we solve it?
3. Is there anyone else solving it? Analysis of the competition
4. Do we have a value proposition?

Session 2 (Friday 29 November): Market analysis
1. Is there a market for our solution?
2. Is it big enough to sustain a commercial effort?
3. What if it is not?
4. How can we reach the market?

The training team invites participants to share questions and cases prior to the start of the sessions in order to adapt the content and address relevant aspects.

Delivered by:

Inveniam Group.


Friday 20 and 27th of September & 4th of October

Communication: written & online, oral and graphic

The TECSAM, BlueNetCat and H2Cat networks have joined forces to organize “Fridays of training”, a series of trainings in different topics related to tech transfer and social impact generation.

The first three training capsules will focus on communication:
1. Written and Online Communication Workshop (20/09, duration 1,5h): how to prepare a better outreach article, contact with journalists and use of social networks and branding to gain visibility.

2. Oral Communication Workshop (27/09, duration: 2h): how to prepare and structure verbal information, non-verbal communication, and communication in videoconferences.

3. Graphic Communication Workshop (04/10, 1h duration): how to use design to disseminate research and resources to create memorable and efficient presentations.

All members of the research group can participate, including master's and doctoral students.

Delivered by:

UPF Barcelona School of Management


4,5 hours


From 5/4 to 17/5 2024

Transfer, business and entrepreneurship: How to facilitate the transfer of projects with high potential

Do you have a project with the potential to reach the market and want to make the journey with the help of experts?
We offer you a free and online training of 14 hours where several transfer experts will share practical tips to facilitate the transfer of projects with high potential Also, for those more advanced projects, there will be an additional session where they can present their pitch in front of experts and investors, with the aim of receiving their feedback professional

All members of the research group can participate, including master's and doctoral students.

Delivered by:

BHV, consultant and venture builder specialized in the biomedical sector.


14 hours



Start date: October 10, 2023

Medical devices: Practical guide on their regulation

Are you looking to expand your knowledge about medical devices or do you need to answer specific questions about their regulation? We offer a comprehensive 12-hour training that includes an explanation of the fundamental concepts of medical devices and delves into specific aspects related to their certification, quality requirements, and their application in the clinical field.

Free and online, ideal for Network researchers (PIs, pre-docs, post-docs, master's students, etc.)

Delivered by:

Talyta Carteano from Asphalion, a regulatory affairs specialist.


12 hours

Online mode

Intellectual property

Weekly, 26/05 -21/06 2023

Intellectual property and mental health

Are you looking to protect your innovative solutions or projects before taking the step to the market? We make available to the research community a specific course in the legal field and intellectual protection to learn about different protection methods, the requirements to adopt them and how to include them from the initial stages of project development.

Delivered by:

Clarke Modet


10 hours

Online mode

Inclusion affected people

Change of date: 05/05 & 12/05 2023

Inclusion of affected people in research and transfer

How to carry out participatory or co-produced research with affected people? This hybrid training will allow to know mechanisms to include the perspective of the first person in all phases of research, from clinical trials, methodological design or analysis of results. There will also be a historical view of the emergence and evolution of the research co-directed by the affected group.

Delivered by:

Francisco Jose Eiroá, Ramon y Cajal researcher at the University of Barcelona, and Elvira Rodriguez, social integration technician. Both experts are members of the First Person Mental Health Research Group (GR1P).


7,5 hours

Hybrid mode

Learning, training, resources & more

Open face-to-face and virtual courses to expand your knowledge and skills in the field of research, entrepreneurship and transfer in mental health

This initiative is a quarterly training mechanism exclusively for Network groups that aims to stimulate interest and exchange of ideas on topics of great impact for members: industrial and intellectual property, regulatory issues, patents, European and/or national funding, medical devices, licensing, gender perspective and empowerment of affected people, citizen science, spin-off creation process, etc.

The training sessions will be carried out by national and international experts according to the subject matter.


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