[B&L II video]: Talent and innovation: the engine of change
Mariona Esquerdo, Health.Care Manager at Ship2B, has shared the health innovation process and deepened the entrepreneurship and creation of start-ups during the second Breakfast&Learn.

Innovation must always respond to a user’s need, always think and design, taking into account their vision and characteristics of their problems. The question arises in the next step: how can we bring a discovery closer to the market and make it a real solution for society? During the Network’s II Breakfast and Learn, more than 40 assistants have been attacked for jumping to entrepreneurship, start-ups or spin-offs, and thus finding specialized investment sources.
This is explained by Mariona Esquerdo, Health explicatCare Manager at Ship2B, the guest speaker on the day “The path of research to innovation and entrepreneurship. How can I generate impact with my research results?” Esquerdo has shared the process of innovation in health and deepened the characteristics of entrepreneurship and creation of start-ups, such as the need to access transfer offices that will be an important guide in bringing a project closer to the market.
During the round table, TECSAM Network experiences have been presented in transfer and generation of startups and/or spin-offs within Petia Radeva, Computer Vision and Machine Learning at University of Barcelona (CVML@UB), and main researcher at the Computer Vision Center (CVC). Entity: University of Barcelona (UB) & Centre of Vision by Computer (CVC); Christian Stephan-Otto, Head of the ‘Cerebral imprints of gender, development and pathology’ Group of the Sant Joan de God Sanitari Park (PSSJD) / St. John of God Foundation (FSJD); and Josep Lluís Arcos, Researcher of the IIIA-CSIC Artificial Intelligence Research Institute and head of the Machine Learning Applied to Healthcare (ML4HEALTHCARE)’ group of the IIIA-CSIC.
The rapporteurs have agreed on pointing out the talent and need to exploit this as one of the keys to innovation and entrepreneurship. Some commented on their concern at the lack of knowledge of the tools needed to exploit this value and potential in the country. They have also pointed out innovation as the driving force for change and a more equal and quality society.
Esquerdo has shared over the day three interesting materials that you can consult to be more experts in impact generation from research results:
- Informe de Biocat: “La BioRegió de Catalunya Mirada en perspectiva del sector de les ciències de la vida i la salut”
- https://www.biocat.cat/es
Do you want to watch the session again? Play the video:
About Breakfast&Learn
The Breakfast&Learn is a formative initiative dedicated to innovation, valorization and transfer with a special focus on mental health and technology, led by the TECSAM network with the collaboration of the Catalan mental health cluster, Cluster Salut Mental Catalunya (CSMC). These open meetings are expected to be a monthly space where knowledge is shared and synergies and networking are generated, where the speakers will be guests with expertise in the sector, including administration, research, the private sector, as well as users and families.
The meetings will focus on three major thematic areas: Tools for bringing society and research closer together (innovation, marketing, contact with the private sector, business models, spin offs, empowerment of affected and user people…), tools for protecting research results (intellectual protection, patents, other protection models…), and tools for doing research with clinical research (ethical regulatory aspects, medical devices, digital tools, software…). Also, the member groups of the Network can participate as expert speakers or participants at a round table.
In the upcoming weeks, the TECSAM network will confirm the final timetable for these meetings.