TECSAM Network's programs: an oportunity for value transfer
The TECSAM Network has started the enrollment period for participating in the first edition of the Network's Programs, with a total budget of €60.000.

The TECSAM Network has started the enrollment period for participating in the first edition of the Network’s Programs, with a total budget of €60.000.
The programs aim to offer tangible and personalized tools -professional counseling, personal monitoring, and formation- to the research groups bring their results closer to the market and society.
The first edition is opened exclusively to TECSAM Network’s members and the programs have been designed to give response to specific needs detected within the research groups regarding transfer or valorization. After a previous analysis, the Network proposes two types of programs: the Transfer Program, for identification, valorization, and transfer of knowledge or results, and the Intellectual Property Program, aimed at protecting results and developed knowledge.
To be able to access this personalized and professional support, the groups have to present an application form (or applications forms) to the TECSAM Network, exposing their aim and necessities in the transfer or intellectual protection regarding a specific project. Each submission will be assessed individually and top-tier advisory agencies will be selected according to the specific necessities and preferences of each group and submission.
Likewise, each research group may submit as many proposals as it considers. The TECSAM Network will try to respond and include as many proposals as possible, taking into account gender equity and the willingness to let all groups submitting proposals participate.
You can access the rules and the application form here:
1. Rules for participation in programs
2. Application form for Transfer Program
3. Application form for Property Program
The enrollment will be open until Sunday 31st of October. It is necessary to send the application form to the email addresses judit.lopez@sjd.es or iris.mauricio@sjd.es. The programs will begin in November of 2021.
About the Transfer Program
This program aims to guide research groups in the access or approximation to the market and society with a specific technology or result. The program offers two different itineraries according to the project necessities:
- “Business model”
Focused on the commercialization area of the project or idea, it could respond to design necessities or identification of the product, business model, viability studies… also it offers support in the contact with potential investors or in the application of methodologies such as business model canvas.
- “How to offer advice to companies”
In a more general way, this itinerary is for those research groups which want to approach the private sector in a general and open way. It would be, for example, to resolve needs such as answering calls for a public-private consortium, or to obtain contracts as expert advisory agencies for private companies.
About the Intellectual Property Program
The aim of this program is to support research groups in terms of the protection of technologies and results. Also, in the case of those projects in which it is difficult to protect them, it is important to know the mechanisms that promote the transfer and/or evaluation of the results of their investigations to bring them closer to the user. The two itineraries that are offered to research groups are:
- “Intellectual property protection”
Counseling with top-tier advisory agencies regarding patent registration, licenses, protection and exploitation strategy, among others.
- “Knowledge valorization”
For those projects which are difficult to protect by the traditional systems discussed above, there are alternative ways of valorizating knowledge and strategies for valuing scales, clinical guidelines, manuals, psychometric tests and methodologies, among others.