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SOM 360 platform: Greater visibility for researchers and impact of innovations

Do you want to bring your innovations or scientific projects in mental health closer to the people? Publish on the SOM 360 website and gain visibility and impact.

14 June, 2023
Breakfast SOM 360

The SOM 360 site is the optimal platform for disseminating knowledge and research results in mental health: it has a large audience base (more than 50,000 monthly visitors, and is expected to reach 400,000 by the end of the year), and at the same time guarantees greater visibility and positioning of the researchers who publish content. This was one of the advantages identified in the XIX Breakfast & Learn of the TECSAM Network, focused on discovering SOM 360 and how it can be used by the research community. 

In addition, this platform is an open window to the needs of the affected people. The portal includes extensive content written in the first person, which contributes to getting closer to this group, detecting their needs and justifying the impact of the researchers’ investigations. All of this allows research to gain relevance and social impact, said Mònica Fidelis, project manager of SOM 360 and speaker at the conference. Watch the session again:



Bringing research closer to citizens 

The importance of research to advance treatments and improve quality of life is a certainty that has become indisputable in most health fields. However, in the field of mental health it is a reality that is only just beginning to take hold. In this sense, SOM 360 is a useful channel for disseminating all scientific information on mental health, bringing the findings, research results, innovations and studies of researchers closer to the public. It therefore becomes a key tool for knowledge transfer and expertise. 

Likewise, the convergence of the world of research, associations and society in general opens up numerous opportunities for collaboration between different research groups, universities, federations and organisations of affected people, family groups, etc. 

In the process of communication and dissemination, SOM 360 is on the radar of health journalists. It therefore becomes an instrument available to researchers to get in touch with the media. 


A reference tool for young people  

The speaker also mentioned the profile of the platform’s users, especially the increasingly prominent role of the young population. Thus, currently “1 out of every 4 users is between 18 and 24 years old, this is a young group looking for information on mental health”, said Fidelis. 

The reasons for this growth in young readers is, according to the expert, the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic had on their mental health and the need to respond to it, and also the diversity of content and formats that makes the platform suitable for all audiences. 

Indeed, it has become, in many cases, an informative tool for adolescents in secondary school, high school and university, complementary to their education.  

In this sense, Fidelis has indicated that it is a platform with a high production capacity, with more than 1,300 contents, and in which the user typology is carefully analysed to create personalised formats to target the audience. 


Collaborative platform: co-creation of content  

SOM Salut Mental 360 is a co-creation project coordinated by Sant Joan de Déu, in which more than 600 expert collaborators from other entities and organisations, first-person associations and families work. People with mental health problems feature prominently in the creation of content given their experience. 

Both the research community and people affected and other people with experience in the field of mental health have several ways to publish. Thus, the platform uses different formats, some more standardised and others more interactive, such as webinars, surveys and questions to the expert, in the case of the latter, where the first person can become the protagonist, through interviews or testimonies; or the researcher, as in the case of monographs or thematic portals to deal with topics in depth and with scientific evidence. 

As the speaker explained, they are currently working on converting this portal into an intelligent tool through artificial intelligence. The aim is to optimise and better position the content and develop a user profiler to personalise the content as much as possible. 

SOM 360 also has a 360-degree approach, very much in line with the comprehensive care model, where it addresses not only all the vital stages of people’s lives, but also from different perspectives: prevention, awareness-raising, assistance and information and dissemination among citizens. 

Are you looking for a useful tool for dissemination? SOM 360 offers practical, contrasted and quality information that will help you to solve your doubts and keep you always updated on the latest news! 

Find out more about this mental health website and discover the benefits it offers to the research community! Watch the video of the session here. 

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