MHID: Where innovation in mental health happens
Do you want to see first-hand the disruptive solutions developed by the main research groups in Catalonia? Live the experience at the Mental Health Innovation Day of the TECSAM Network on Tuesday, October 25. Showcase, presentations, networking and more at the great mental health innovation event in Barcelona. LIMITED REGISTRATION!

25/10 – Showcase and speeches to learn about the innovative solutions in mental health developed by the research groups members of the Network.
We give the starting shot to the event that allows to approach the innovation generated from mental health research in Catalonia! With the aim of being a gateway to innovative and pioneering technology and knowledge in mental health driven by member groups, the TECSAM Network is organising the Mental Health Innovation Day, on Tuesday 25 October at the Parc Científic de Barcelona.
This venue, a focal point for science and research, will host the next face-to-face event open to the entire ecosystem of innovation in mental health of the Network, where the different research groups, both in the clinical and technological fields, will present the most outstanding projects developed this year.
In addition, it is an essential meeting point to get in touch with the main stakeholders in the mental health innovation sector and attract potential investors.
Is an initiative that aims to boost the entire ecosystem and encourage the creation of synergies and contacts between the different agents involved, as well as attract interesting potential investors by making it possible to advance and transfer research results to the market and society.
Speeches and showcase
The first part of the event aims to give visibility to the innovation in mental health generated within the Network through presentations given by expert researchers and a showcase space that will serve as a window for the solutions promoted by the groups.
The disruptive solutions showcase, which will take place during the second part of the day, will allow participating groups to present and promote their projects to the public through live demonstrations, stands and spaces where attendees can interact with the product.
Through virtual reality goggles, iPads, mobile applications and more, attendees will have the opportunity to be part of a unique and vibrant space and learn first-hand how the technology developed by the research groups works.
The day will also include the presentation of the 4 winning projects of the 1st Mental Health Innovation Contest, an opportunity for the winners to make themselves known, generate interest and attract potential investors.
The Mental Health Innovation Day aims to be more than just a mechanism to give visibility to the innovative solutions developed by research groups, but also to mobilise the entire ecosystem of innovation in mental health and involve it in the Network’s primary objective: the valorisation and transfer of the results of research in mental health to improve the quality of life of the people affected.
The meeting will be held in person at the Parc Científic de Barcelona (c/Baldiri Reixac, 4-12 i 15, 08028 Barcelona) and with limited access after registration through this form.
Agenda of the meeting
This project has been co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and has the support of the Secretariat for Universities and Research of the Department of Enterprise and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya.