ACCIO counts on the Network for the Horizon Europe Week 2021: Health
The promoter of the TECSAM network, Judit López Luque, has been one of the speakers at the Health-focused meeting within the framework of the Horizon Europe Week, and has shared the network's portfolio for the first time.

The promoter of the TECSAM Network, Judit López Luque, was one of the speakers during the Health sessions at the Horizon Europe Week, organised by ACCIO.
During her speech, López first shared the overview of the TECSAM Network portfolio, segmenting the global value of the Network into areas of knowledge and technology typologies, as well as the interests of the Network members regarding the generation of synergies for Horizon Europe.

López has also reviewed the main challenges and trends in the field of mental health that the Network has spotted:
- Direct effects of Covid-19: PTSD and Burn out, Depression, Anxiety,
- Integrated attention plan: Community care resources integrated into primary care and hospitals
- Prevention and Promotion: Mental health and well-being, healthy habits; childhood, adolescence, and older people; Suicide, appearance and relapse in severe mental disorders, Adictions
- Education in mental health: stigma and self-stigma, Human Rights, Awareness Campaign
- Accessibility and (auto)diagnostic: Equal access (territorial, socio-economic), humanization (balance in technological and human resources)
- Treatment and Monitoring: Continuity to Community, Empowerment of People
- Personalized attention: Prevention, prediction, diagnosis, treatment
- Gender Perspective
- Emowering people
Horizon Europe Week is an event in which the upcoming calls for European aids to R+D+I have been reviewed through thematic seminars and custom workshops around the broad lines of performance of the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 programme.
The Health session has been moderated by Carla Ruiz, European Projects consultant and EEN for ACCIO. The experts who have participated are:
- Alfonso Valencia, director at Departament de Ciències de la Vida del Barcelona Supercomputing Center
- Judit López Luque, promoter of Xarxa TECSAM-Fundació Sant Joan de Déu
- Carolina Carrasco, national contact point for the Clúster 1 of the Centre per al Desenvolupament Tecnològic Industrial (CDTI)
- Giulia Diamante, leader at the ACCIO international analysis and opportunity detection team
- Raul Toran, scientific divulgation responsible at ISGlobal
You can watch the meeting again here.