Learn about the tools the private sector offers to promote the transfer of research
Wednesday 6 April, at 9 a.m., we held the sixth free virtual 'Breakfast&Learn' meeting of the TECSAM Network by two members of the Mental Health Cluster.

Businesses and start-ups are not only a possible final destination for assessing or transferring research results. They may also be an agent or partner that facilitates access to resources for co-creation and funding for research groups that try to bring their results closer to the market.
To unveil calls, tools and public-private programs that can be useful for research groups, on Wednesday 6 April at 9:00, we will celebrate TECSAM’s VI Breakfast&Learn “We will access transfer with the impulse of the private sector”, with the CSMC partner of the TECSAM Network.
The talk will be in charge of Barbara Eisele, Project Innovation Manager of the CSMC, who will share his knowledge about calls (AEIs of Mincotur), funding and collaborative project creation. Eisele is an anthropologist and expert on RSC, Management Responsible and Social Impact Strategy.
Oriol Barat, Project Manager of the Care and Autonomy Living Lab (CALL) of the CSMC will also participate. This Living Lab is a project aimed at facilitating the incorporation of citizenship into the development of research projects. Barat is a psychologist at the St. Bernabé Hospital Foundation, a master’s degree in neurosciences for the UAB and a doctoral degree in social psychology in the UAB.
The meeting will be held in virtual format and with free access prior registration in this form.
About the Breakfast&Learn
The Breakfast&Learn is a formative initiative dedicated to innovation, valorization and transfer with a special focus on mental health and technology, led by the TECSAM network with the collaboration of the Catalan mental health cluster, Cluster Salut Mental Catalunya (CSMC). These open meetings are expected to be a monthly space where knowledge is shared and synergies and networking are generated, where the speakers will be guests with expertise in the sector, including administration, research, the private sector, as well as users and families.
The meetings will focus on three major thematic areas: Tools for bringing society and research closer together (innovation, marketing, contact with the private sector, business models, spin offs, empowerment of affected and user people…), tools for protecting research results (intellectual protection, patents, other protection models…), and tools for doing research with clinical research (ethical regulatory aspects, medical devices, digital tools, software…).
9 h – Welcome to the Breakfast&Learn by the TECSAM Network
9:10 h -Presentatio: “We will access transfer with the impulse of the private sector”, by Barbara Eisele, Project Innovation Manager of the CSMC, and Oriol Barat, Project Manager del Care and Autonomy Living Lab (CALL) of the CSMC
9:45 h – Q&A
10h – Ens of the meeting