We launch the II edition of the TECSAM Network Programs
Attention, members of the Network! Are you looking for funding for mentoring or professional advice to bring your projects closer to the market? The TECSAM Network launches the II edition of the TECSAM Network Programs. You can now submit your applications!

We set up the Valorization & Tech Transfer Program to push ideas and research results from the Network member groups and transfer their knowledge to the market
In the first edition of the programs, up to 10 member groups of the Network received training and personalized advice to bring 13 projects and research results closer to the market. This year, the TECSAM Network launches the second edition of the programs, endowed with a budget of €30,000, to continue provinding direct support to all member groups that request it. The Network members will be able to present their proposals continuously until November 30, 2022.
Through this initiative, the TECSAM Network will fund individualized advice, support and continued accompaniment from the highest level advisory agencies for those groups that request it. Thus, the member groups that apply will be able to receive training in regulatory and legal issues, business models, market analysis and strategies to enter the market, technological feasibility and scalability studies, and marketing and communication strategies, among others.
The aim of the Valorization & Tech Transfer Program is to identify, put into value and transfer its knowledge and research results to the market and society. This program aims to be an effective and tangible mechanism to release ideas, projects and proposals resulting from mental health research.
The new call is structured as an “open call”, so that the Network member groups will be able to submit their applications between June and November 2022, during which three cut-off points have been established: 31 /07/22, 09/30/22 and 11/30/22, the latter being the deadline for submitting applications. Member groups may request up to three service vouchers for each cut-off, but only one of them will be granted, for this reason, we ask member groups to select the services they wish to receive in order of priority before submitting their application.
In the first edition of the programes, which opened in October 2021, the selected projects had the opportunity to receive two training courses from Clarke Modet, a specialized intellectual property group, within the framework of the Intellectual Property Program; and more than 5 advisory sessions by the DKV Innolab and GENESIS Biomed consultants, regarding the Transfer Program, on business models and value proposition.
The launch of this new edition of the programs aims to create a common framework where group members of the Network can receive support to respond to their specific needs in the field of transfer and recovery. In addition, both editions of the programs have been designed taking into account the characteristics and objectives of the groups, the level of development of their projects, and the facilities for bringing them closer to the market.
In order to access this personalized and professional support, the groups only have to present a proposal (or proposals) to the TECSAM Network, setting out their objectives and needs in terms of transfer and valorization for each specific project. The selection process includes an individual assessment of each project to select the optimal consulting service existing o the market that can meet its needs.
You can find the bases and form to apply in thise links:
2. Form for the Valorization & Tech Transfer Program
The call will be open until Wednesday, November 30.
Applications must be sent to the following email addresses: judit.lopez@sjd.es o emilio.tomas@sjd.es.
The execution of the programs is expected to end in December 2022.