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Success of the 'Symposium on Child and Adolescent Mental Health': Transforming child and adolescent mental health

More than a 100 experts in mental health meet at the Sant Joan de Déu Health Park to share knowledge and establish global collaborations.

26 March, 2025
Symposium on Child and Adolescent

On March 25, 2025, more than a hundred experts in mental health gathered at the Sant Joan de Déu Health Park to participate in the Symposium on Child and Adolescent Mental Health from a Holistic and Behavioral Perspective. The event was a unique opportunity to share knowledge and establish global collaborations with the aim of improving the mental health of young people from an integrated and innovative approach.

Key aspects:

Els doctors Mark Weist i David Stodden van subratllar la importància d’adoptar un enfocament holístic per abordar els trastorns mentals infanto-juvenils, combinant suports socioemocionals amb l’activitat física per millorar el benestar dels joves. Ambdós experts van fer èmfasi en la col·laboració global i el lideratge efectiu com a claus per al canvi.

Dr. Rodrigo Lima, researcher at the Sant Joan de Déu Health Park and member of the TECSAM Network, presented two outstanding projects in the educational field:

  • IMPROVA: A digital platform designed to prevent and improve adolescent mental health through co-design, pilot testing and evaluation.
  • ePro-Schools: A project that analyzes international data to identify factors that influence physical activity, sedentary behavior and eating habits in the school context.

Iris Mauricio, communications manager of the TECSAM Network, presented the Network’s research portfolio, highlighting innovative projects such as PICOFON, Lands of Fog (UPF), Promes-U (Hospital del Mar), Deskcohort (UVic, UAB, UOC) and Micooltura (Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu). He also spoke about Fes-te Salut!, the first experiential health fair for young people in Catalonia, which will take place in Manresa on April 25 and 26.

Guillermo Santamaría, from the Social Observatory of the ‘La Caixa’ Foundation, shared the competitive lines of research in child and youth mental health and the projects on child vulnerability in Spain and Portugal.

Pau Gomes, from the Nous Cims Foundation, presented the Komtú and KOA programs, focused on promoting emotional well-being in children and adolescents through prevention and educational intervention.

This international event was organized by the research group Impact and prevention of mental disorders (PSSJD), together with the Sant Joan de Déu Health Park, the Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation, the TECSAM Network and the School Mental Health International Leadership Exchange.

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