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R+D+I networks to promote internationalization

Work session to promote international collaborations between research and innovation networks in Catalonia.

28 February, 2025
Trobada de les xarxes R+D+I per impulsar la internacionalització

The TECSAM Network has had the opportunity to participate in the work session to promote the international activities of the RDI Networks, organized by the General Directorate of Knowledge Transfer and Society of the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat of Catalonia (DREU).

A meeting with the DREU and the rest of the AGAUR networks to create a space for enriching dialogue. These meetings allow to promote high-impact transfer initiatives and highlight the global leadership of Catalan research.

The conference brought together the 11 R+D+I networks of Catalonia: Xartec Salut, Xarxa TECSAM, AccessCat, RDI-IA, BlueNetCat, H2CAT, X_AgriTech, X4HPC, XarSMART, i4KIDS and XaRFA.

A great space to exchange knowledge, share good practices and explore new international collaborations.

Thanks to the people who led the session: Mireia de la Rubia Garrido, Aïda Díaz Sáez, Elsa Delgado Collado, Cristina Costa Imaz i Víctor Linares Prenafeta.

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