Networking for the youngest researchers in the Network
The second networking journey of the TECSAM network has brought in young researchers from different research groups specializing in mental health and technologies, as well as two members of the Catalan Mental Health Cluster.

The second networking day of the TECSAM network has brought in young researchers from different research groups specialized in mental health and technologies, as well as two members of the Catalan Mental Health Cluster.
The session, held at the Sant Pau Modernist Area, in Barcelona, has focused on generating synergies between the younger members of the Network who investigate as predocs, postdocs or residents and who are involved in the field of innovation and transfer.
The meeting has had several group dynamics that have facilitated group interlocution, as well as closer encounters to assess possible collaboration and proposals, particularly between technological and clinical groups.
Participants have stated their appreciation of the possibility of connecting to create potential joint projects, and have highlighted complementarity between the different profiles and expertise present in the Network.
They have also agreed to point out as a shared objective the desire to involve the people affected and users in innovation and research projects and to have them be protagonists. The desire to value and transfer solutions and technologies from research groups to society has also been mentioned. The participants have also agreed to point out the gender perspective as a necessary element in research, and have discussed and worked together on proposals on how to meet this challenge.
This has been the second networking meeting of the TECSAM Network and the first in an on-site character. The previous one, held in May, was devoted to clarifying doubts, promoting synergies and generating contacts with a view to the official presentation of the EU framework programme for research and innovation for the period 2021-2027: Horizon Europe. During 2022, the TECSAM network has two additional networking days planned, intended to connect and generate exchange between its members and, also, other actors in the ecosystem.